SUD - facções da igreja


Em vários locais desse blog coloquei que a igreja SUD afirma ser a única verdadeira sobre a face da terra. Outras afirmações concernentes à sua posição como única verdadeira, e todas as outras sendo falsas, são colocadas a seguir:

Joseph afirmou, sobre as demais igrejas, que:

"Eu fui advertido a não me unir a nenhuma delas, pois todas estavam erradas; e o Personagem que se dirigiu à mim, disse que todos os seus seguidores eram uma abominação aos seus olhos, e que os que a professavam eram todos corruptos" (Pérola de Grande valor, escritos de Joseph Smith, 2:19).

John Taylor, o terceiro presidente da igreja SUD, disse:
"Falamos sobre cristianismo, mas é um monte de insanidade...e o demônio não poderia ter inventado uma coisa melhor para espalhar seu trabalho do que o Cristianismo no século XIX" (Journal of Discourses Vol. 6, p.167).

Brigham Young, de acordo com o pronunciamento de John Taylor: 
"O irmão Taylor apenas disse que as religiões de hoje estão incubadas no inferno, os ovos estão no inferno, incubados na sua periferia, e são então jogados na terra". (Journal or Discourses Vol.6, p.176)

Dou destaque especial a estes dois pronunciamentos de Joseph Smith:

“Se eu fosse à uma sociedade que alguém tivesse me dado referências, e à outra, e à outra, onde cada uma mostrasse sua doutrina como o supra-sumo da perfeição: considerando que todas estivessem certas e que Deus não podia ser o autor de tamanha confusão, decidi investigar o assunto profundamente, acreditando que se Deus tivesse uma Igreja, ela não estaria dividida em facções, e que se Ele ensinasse uma sociedade a adorá-Lo de uma maneira e a administrar uma série de ordenanças, certamente Ele não ensinaria à outra sociedade princípios que fossem diametricamente opostos. Acreditando na palavra de Deus eu tenho confiança na declaração de Tiago...”

(Joseph Smith, The Wentworth Letter -

“Eu tenho mais para me gabar do que qualquer outro homem. Sou o único homem que foi capaz de manter a igreja unida desde os dias de Adão. Muitas pessoas me apoiaram. Nem Paulo, João, Pedro ou Jesus jamais o fizeram. Eu me gabo que nenhum homem jamais fez um trabalho como eu fiz. Os seguidores de Jesus fugiram Dele; mas os santos dos últimos dias jamais fugirão de mim”. (History of the Church, Vol. 6, p. 408-409)

Porém, em menos de 180 anos, cerca de 219 facções apareceram!

A listagem abaixo contém igrejas, pessoas ou organizações que baseiam sua fé nos ensinamentos de Joseph Smith. Diz-se que provavelmente sejam em maior número do que as acima listadas (Na wikipedia constam apenas as mais conhecidas) 

Diferente dos cristãos, nenhum dessas facções dos mórmons tem relacões entre si, pois cada um clama ser "a única igreja verdadeira". Cada membro de cada grupo afirma ter um testemunho da verdade daquele particular grupo. Todos não podem estar certos ao mesmo tempo, pois há diferenças entre eles. De acordo com o próprio Smith, "acreditando que se Deus tivesse uma Igreja, ela não estaria dividida em facções".

Assim, pelos próprios critérios de Joseph Smith, a igreja que ele fundou seria a única e verdadeira igreja de Deus?

Pure Church of Christ (Wyman Clark) 1831
John Noah 1831
The Independent Church (Hoton) 1832
Church of Christ (Ezra Booth) 1836
Church of Christ (Warren Parrish) 1837
Isaac Russell 1838
The Church of Jesus Christ, the Bride. The Lamb ’s Wife (Hinkle) 1840
Church of Christ (Chubby) 1840
Oliver Olney 1842
Church of Christ (Hyrum Page) 1842
Church of Jesus Christ of Laiter Day Saints (F. G. Bishop) 1842?
True Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Law. Forster. Higbee) 1844
Church of Christ /Church of Jesus Christ of the Children of Zion (Sidney Rigdon) 1844
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Emmett) 1844?
John E Page 1844
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Strang) 1844
Church of Christ (Stoddara, Rich. Bump) 1845
Indian Mormon 1846
Reuben Miller 1846
Church of Christ (Aoron Smith) 1846
Increase M. Van Deusen 1847
Church of Christ ( W. McLellin, D. Whitmer) 1847
Samuel James, George M. Hinkle 1847
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (William Smith) 1847
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Hajicek)
Strangite Believers in Pennsylvania
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Brigham Young)1847
George Miller 1847
Congregation of Jehovah ’s Presbytery of Zion (Thompson) 1848
Church of Christ (Brewster) 1848
Lorenzo D. Oatman 1848
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Wright) 1849
Austin Cowles 1849
Samue! C. Brown 1849
Elijah Schwackhammer 1849
The Bride, The Lamb ’s Wife or Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Syfritt) 1850
Amold Potter 1850
Church of Christ (Brooks) 1850‘s
Moses R. Norris 1851
Church of Christ (Aldrich) 1851
The Church of Jesus Christ (Cutler) 1853
Church of Jesus Christ (Fletcher) 1853
Henry Harrison Deam 1854
George Hickenlooper 1854
Church of ihe Messiah (Adams) 1861
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Gibson) 1861
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or Church of the
First Born (Morris) . 1 1861
William Davis 1861
The Prophet Cainen or Church of Jesus Christ of the Saints of the Most High God (Williams) 1862
The Church of Jesus Christ (Bickerton) 1862
Church of Christ (Temple Lot) (Hedrick 1863
Morrisite Group (Livingston) 1864
Church of Zion (Godbe) 1868
Church of Jesus Christ of the Saints of the Most High God (Guhl) 1870
Church of the First Born (Dove) 1874
Bamet Moses Giles 1875
*Church of Christ (D. Whitmer) 1875
Church of Jesus Christ of the Saints of the Most High God (James) 1844
James Brighouse 1887
Church of Jesus Christ of the Saints of the Most High God (Thomson) 1888
Priesthood Groups (Fundamentalists) 1890
John Koyie 1894
Church of the First Born (Isreal Dennis) 1895
Josiah Hickman 1900
Lars Peterson 1900
Nathaniel Baldwin 1902
Samuel Eastman 1904
John Tanner Clark 1905
Hannah Sorenson 1906
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ (Wright) 1907
United Order of Equality (Peterson) 1909
Native Indian Church ?
Primitive Church of Jesus Christ (Caldwell) 1914
Church of Christ, Independent, Informal, (Wipper) 1927
The Church of Christ (Fetting) 1929
Chuch of Christ (Ely) 1929
Church of Christ (Humphrey) 1929
Church of Christ (Trapp) 1930
Church of Christ (Restored) (DeWolf) 1936
Church of Christ (E.E. Long and Nerren) 1936
Church of Christ (Hilgendorf) 1924
Moses Gudmendsen 1918
The Church of Christ, the Order of Zion (Zahnd) 1918
The Church of Jesus Christ (Williams) 1925
World Redemption (Fuller) 1969
Church of Jesus Christ Restored (King) 1970
Loyal Opposition (Liggett) 1970
New Jerusalem Church of Jesus Christ (Fuller) 1976
Church of Christ Restored (Fishel) 1976
True Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Toney) 1976
Church of the Restoration or Churches of Christ in Zion (Chambers) 1981
Joseph T. Long 1983
. Lamanite Ministries for Christ or New Covenant Ministries for Christ 1984
Restoration Branches Movement 1984
Church of Jesus Christ, the Lamb ofGod (Abramson) 1985
Church of Jesus Christ, Zion ’s Branch (Cato) 1986
Church of Christ (Clark) 1986
Independent Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Warren)1986
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Strangite)(Albert Norman Ketchum) 1924
Paul Feil 1928
LDS Depression Movement 1930
Davis County Co-op Society (Kingston) 1935
The Church of’ Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,Third Convention (Paez) 1 1936
The Church of Jesus Christ of lsreal (Sherwood) 1936
Church of Jesus of Latter Day Saints (Margarito Bautista) 1936
Benjamin T. LaBaron 1938
Order of Aaron (Glendinning) 1943
The Church of Christ with the Elijah Message (Draves) 1946
Floyd Denham Group ?
Church of Christ (Pauline Hancock) 1946
Church of Freedom of Latter Day Saints 1950’s
Zion ’s Order of the Sons of Levi (Kilgore) 1951
Annalee Skarin 1952
The Church of’ Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Strangite) (Drew) 1952
The Church of the Firstborn of the Fulness of Times (Joel F. LeBaron) 1955
The Church of the Firstborn (Ross W. LeBaron) 1955
Antarctica Development Interests or the New American ’s Mount Zion (Leabo) 1955
United Outcasts of Israel, American Indian Restoration Enterprises.Praetorian Press (Pratt) 1958
Perfected Church of Jesus Christ of Immaculate Latter Day Saints (Conway) 1958
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Forsgren) I960
Paul Solem 1960
The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 1851 1860
Church of Jesus Christ (Goldman) 1960’s
Church of Christ (E.E. Long) 1960
Church of Christ (Leighton-Floyd, Burt) 1965
Divine Word Foundation (Hans N. VonKorber) 1965
Bruce David Longo 1965
LDS Scripture Researchers/Believe God Society (Lloyd) 1965
The Church of the Body and of the Spirit of Jesus Christ (Powers)1965
United Order of the Saints of Guadeloupe (Gamiette) 1966
United Order oft the Family of Christ (Desmond) 1966
. Split from Zion ’s Order of the Sons of Levi (Taylor) 1969
House of Ephraim and House of Manasseh of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints (Sheppard) 1970
Homosexual Church of Jesus Christ, Denver, Colorado 1972
Latter Day Saints Church (Park) 1972
The Church of the Lamb of God (Ervil M. LaBaron) 1972
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Krupenia) 1972
The New Jerusalem Group (Kathryn Carter) 1972
The Watchmen on the Towers of Latter Day Israel (Braun) 1973
Monte Scovill 1973
George Barnes 1873
Church of Christ at Zion ’s Retreat (Hall) 1973
The Church of Israel (Gayman) 1973
Breakfrom the Church of Christ (Hancock) (in Michigan) 1973
The True Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Roberts) 1974
Church of Jesus Christ in Solemn Assembly (Alexander Joseph) 1974
Evangelical Church of Christ, Church of the New Coveneant
in Christ (Bryant) 1974
Split from Zion ’s Order of the Sons of Levi (Kilgore) 1975
Church of the Firstborn of the Fulness of’ Times (Wakeham) 1975
Affirmation 1975
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Simons) 1975
Church of Christ With the Elijah Message (Rogers) 1975
Church of the Firstbom oft he Fulness of Times (Alma LeBaron) 1976
Aaronic Order Break -off 1977
Christ’s Church, Inc. (Peterson) 1978
Church of esus Christ (Bulla) 1978
Marriage Counseling Group 1978
Stephan Brown 1979
The Restored Church of Jesus Christ (Walton) 1979
The Restorers or School of the Prophets (Crossfield) 1979
Zion ’s First International Church (LeeAnn Walker) 1980
The Free Will Mormon Church (Coleman) 1980
Aryan Christian Church (Hayden, Idaho) 1980
Church of Jesus Christ (Mora) 1981
Sons Ahman Israel (Davied Isreal) 1981
Samoan LDS Church, New Zealand 1981
The Millennial Church of Jesus Christ (Evoniuk) 1981
Peyote Way Church of God (Trujillo) 1981?
The Church of Jesus Christ of the Saints in Zion (Thackston) 1982
The Church of Jesus Christ of the Saints in Zion (Asay) 1984
Break from the Church of Jesus Christ in Solemn Assembly 1984

The Company or The Sisterhood (Arvin Shreeve) 1984
Lafferty Group (Ron and Dan Lafferty) 1984
Work of Better Truth (Peterson) 1984
Gilbert Jordan . 1985
The Church of Christ, Restored Gospel 1929 & 1985
Church of Jesus Christ of All Latter-day Saints or
Restoration Church of Jesus Christ (Feliz) 1985
Church of Christ of Latter-day Saints (Madison) 1985
Church of Christ the Firstborn of the Fulness of Times (Widmar) 1985
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Fundamentalists (Wright Family) 1985?
School of the Prophets (Archie Dean Wood) 1986
Mormon Fundamentalists, England (Munn) 1986?
The Ensign Corporation (Miller) 1986
Church of Jesus Christ Omnipotent 1987
Community of Zion, Centeral Utah Division (Miller) ?
LeRoy Wilson ?
Alonzo Langford ?
Church of the First Born, General Assembly ?
The True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of
the Last Days (James Harmston) 1994


Hubert John Archambault, Clark E. Callear, D. T. Chapman, Francis M. Darter,
Charlotte Elam / Catherine Pico, GUbertA. Fulton.Jr, George T. Harrison, C.J. Hunt,
Paul Johnson, Price W. Johnson, Thomas John Jordan, Ogden Kraut, E. LaPoint,
Gladys Barr Lloyd, Joseph Luff, B.L. McKim, D.J. Morgan, Ernest W. Ninnis,
Arch S. Reynolds Henry W. Richards, David A. Richardson, James R. Snell,
Lawrence Ritchie Stubbs, C.A. Swenson, Dalton A. Tiffin, Samuel Wood
James Eimer Yates.